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TOP 100 Historical Ranking Record for Week 50, 2024 (12/09 to 12/15)

No name score
1 Bob 213650
2 Bob 211950
3 anonymousww 128550
4 liuhongwei1146 87800
5 liuhongwei1146 87800
6 liuhongwei1146 87800
7 liuhongwei1146 87800
8 liuhongwei1146 87800
9 zsygp 75100
10 sb 70750
11 Bob 66550
12 zsygp 61050
13 anonymousww 57450
14 anonymousww 57050
15 马力哦 56500
16 匿名xxx 50650
17 player 49750
18 player 49450
19 匿名xxx 49250
20 匿名xxx 47750
21 liuhongwei1146 47650
22 匿名xxx 46350
23 匿名xxx 45850
24 匿名xxx 45750
25 liuhongwei1146 44800
26 匿名xxx 42200
27 anonymousww 41450
28 liuhongwei1146 38750
29 liuhongwei1146 37500
30 liuhongwei1146 37500
31 sb 36450
32 11111 36100
33 anonymousww 34050
34 匿名xxx 33950
35 匿名www 32950
36 zsygp 30650
37 匿名xxx 28350
38 liuhongwei1146 27550
39 匿名xxx 27350
40 liuhongwei1146 26800
41 liuhongwei1146 26600
42 zsygp 26550
43 liuhongwei1146 26450
44 dad 26400
45 韦金昌死妈 26150
46 匿名xxx 24550
47 dad 24000
48 卢元帅 23050
49 dad 22400
50 匿名xxx 22350
51 匿名xxx 21750
52 匿名www 21550
53 dad 19700
54 0 19250
55 zsygp 19150
56 匿名份共 18200
57 1445dddd 16650
58 1445dddd 16350
59 1445dddd 15550
60 卢元帅 15150
61 1445dddd 15050
62 对对对对对� 15050
63 luyuanshuai 15050
64 www 13250
65 zsygp 9250
66 anonymousww 8300
67 7850
68 5650
69 韦金昌死妈 2700
70 卢元帅 2450
71 卢元帅 2450
72 对对对对对� 2150
73 qc 1500
74 qc 1200
75 卢元帅 1100
76 800
77 马力哦 600
78 500
79 qc 400
80 liuhongwei1146 400
81 400
82 400
83 www 300
84 miaoxing 200
85 匿名马里奥 200
86 anonymousww 200
87 卢元帅 200
88 100
89 www 100
90 qc 100
91 qc 100
92 qc 100
93 马力哦 0
94 www 0
95 0
96 匿名马里奥 0
97 匿名马里奥 0
98 1111 0
99 qc 0
100 anonymousww 0

Remarks:If you want to cheat, there is no way to stop you from acting recklessly. Your qualities and attitude constitute your excellent qualities.

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